World Creator 2. Area Tool and import Quixel Megascans.

World Creator 2. Area Tool and import Quixel Megascans.

Tutorial posted over 4 years ago

World Creator 2 - a unique and powerful landscape generator worked on GPU in Real-time. In this video I will talk about how: - Import material or 3d object from Quixel Megascans library - Use Area tool for filters, textures and objects - Sculpt the landscape - Import displacement from GoogleMaps - Mix multiple Displacement maps - Texturing them - Plant trees on a specific area and optimizes the viewport to work with this workflow - Draw with custom masks and create a mask for grass growth. More tutorials: - World Creator 2 → - Quixel → Video content: 0:00 - Theme of the lesson. - Quixel Megascans - 1:19 - Material 4:31 - 3d object - Area Tool - 9:21 - Creating an Area Layer. Move, zoom and rotate. 11:08 - Applying the Minecraft filter to the created area. 11:59 - Drawing masks 13:34 - Sculpting 18:05 - How to import Displacement from Terrain Party? 20:05 - Creating your displacement map for the Area layer. 21:31 - Mixing different Displacement cards. 23:30 - Assigning different textures to different Area 24:20 - An example of using Area in a standard scene 25:14 - Growing trees in a certain area using the Area-layer. 26:23 - Viewport optimization. 28:09 - Drawing texture 30:22 - Drawing grass 31:29 - Forrender Renderfarm 31:36 - The promotional code for using the 15% lifetime discount on our render farm. 31:39 - Info partners 32:05 - The ending and previews of other lessons.

World Creator 2. Area Tool and import Quixel Megascans.


OneShot3D wrote
Perfect Tutorial
wafelek wrote
Good work. Thanks.
wafelek wrote
ChokCAD wrote
Thanks for tutorial..
kuddus wrote
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  • world
  • creator
  • 2
  • 3d
  • tutorial
  • quixel
  • megascans
  • bridge
  • import
  • export
  • asset
  • environment
  • landscape
  • generator
  • area
  • tool
  • textures
  • custom
  • objects