Blender 2.82 tutorial for beginners. Addons. Introduction to Creative Bundle. Part 2

Blender 2.82 tutorial for beginners. Addons. Introduction to Creative Bundle. Part 2

Tutorial posted almost 5 years ago

Blender Guppy addons tutorial - Creative Bundle Part 2. In this part we will talk about how: - use the "Add" and "Slice" modes - draw objects on the surface using the "Draw Poly Mesh". - adjust the rotation of a new object around its axis - quickly move an object in a local or world coordinate system along a specific axis. - get new objects from the polygon - project the model onto another object and repeat its bending - make a projection of the mesh and squeeze out new details from it More lessons about Blender 2.8 → Video content: 0:00 - The theme of the lesson. 0:30 - Add mode 1:17 - "Slice" mode for different seams. 1:46 - "Draw Poly Mesh" for drawing objects on the surface or in space. 2:22 - Setting rotation of an added object around its axis? 3:12 - Fast moving of a new object in local and world systems. 4:30 - "Get Poly Mesh" to get objects from the selected polygon 4:55 - Using a new object in boolean operations. 5:33 - "Shrink Wrap To Target" 8:46 - Preview-materials and the appointment of presets. 9:38 - Organic modeling on the model 12:43 - Creating hard-surface props from selected polygons of the selected model. 13:29 - "Mark Sharp" and "Split MSharp" for creating seams from the edges and separating different parts. 19:38 - "Draw Cut (Grid)" to project the mesh onto the model. 24:00 - Forrender Renderfarm 24:06 - Promotion code for using a 15% lifetime discount on our render farm. 24:09 - Info partners 24:13 - The ending and previews of other lessons.

Blender 2.82 tutorial for beginners. Addons. Introduction to Creative Bundle. Part 2


wafelek wrote
Thanks for effort. Good job.
kuddus wrote
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  • blender
  • 2
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  • 2.82
  • 2.81
  • 3d
  • tutorial
  • creative
  • bundle
  • addons
  • ice
  • tools
  • cubber
  • begginers
  • hardsurface
  • modeling