Substance Designer 2018. Bitmap node. Paint mode. Texture editor. Basic parameters.

Substance Designer 2018. Bitmap node. Paint mode. Texture editor. Basic parameters.

Tutorial posted over 6 years ago

In this video - we will talk about the Bitmap node and its creation options. Also we will look at the editor of textures and tools: Brush, Stamp, Eraser in it's toolkit. We will understand the settings of the brush and stamp. Talk about the basic settings of all nodes and the Output Size parameter, and also about what is the difference between Absolute and Relative to Parent. When you should use these modes.

Substance Designer 2018. Bitmap node. Paint mode. Texture editor. Basic parameters.


wafelek wrote
Nice. Maybe I put that to use someday.
ChokCAD wrote
Great tutorial!
kuddus wrote
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