Statue of the Egyptian god Ptah 3d printable model

Statue of the Egyptian god Ptah 3d printable model 3D print model


Wooden Statue of Ptah 3D printable model from Tomb of TutankhamunStatue of the Egyptian god Ptah 3d printable model

This golden statue portrays Ptah, the divine guardian of craftsmen and artists, and the ruler of creation in Memphis. In black-painted shrines, twenty-eight wooden statues of deities, wrapped in linen, were discovered. These statues were intended to safeguard the king during his journey in the underworld.

The gilded statue of Ptah is adorned with a feathered robe and a lavish necklace. His head is covered by a blue faience skullcap, while his eyes and eyebrows are embellished with faience and stone. Ptah holds a composite staff consisting of a Was scepter, a Djed pillar, and an Ankh sign.

The wooden statue of the god Ptah, found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, provides evidence that Ptah is one of the oldest deities in the Egyptian pantheon, dating back to the 1st Dynasty. Although initially a local deity, Ptah's significance grew over time, and he assumed crucial roles.

Wooden Statue of Ptah 3D printable model

The city of Memphis played a pivotal role in Ptah's ascent. Originally known as Ineb-hedj (White Walls), Memphis served as the administrative capital of Egypt during the country's unification around 3000 BC.

According to mythology, Ptah's consort was the lioness goddess Sekhmet, and together with their son Nefertem, they formed the primary triad of the Theban region.

This wooden statue of Ptah originates from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62) in the Valley of the Kings, West Thebes. It is currently housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo under the catalog number JE 60739.

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Statue of the Egyptian god Ptah 3d printable model
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Statue of the Egyptian god Ptah 3d printable model
Royalty Free No Ai License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)55.8 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2024-04-05
  • Model ID#5205775