ADAM 0 - Articulated Doll Actionfigure Model Zero- Resin 3DPrint

ADAM 0 - Articulated Doll Actionfigure Model Zero- Resin 3DPrint Free 3D print model


STL File and Instruction in ZIP files.

A.D.A.M 0 (Articulated Doll Actionfigure Model Zero) is a 3D Printed Action figure that has multiple articulation points which give a wide selection of poses.

Please keep in mind that this is a 3dPrinted ActionFigure.

-Model height:18cm

-The STL object is already hollowed.

-Not Scalable

-You can print individual STL or packed STL.

Articulation point :

Ball Joint: Neck, Shoulder, Torso, Hip

Peg: UpperArm, Wrist, Hand, Hip, Ankle

Hinge: Elbow, Wrist, Hip, Knee, Ankle,

Hand Pose :

-Fist hand

-Claw hand

-Open hand

-Relax hand

-Grip hand

-Trigger hand

additional required item-1.75mm filament



3D Printer: Photon Mono 4K

Resin: Esun Bio Resin

Slicer: Lychee (default setting)

1tang2024-09-01 03:53:52 UTC
Thank you
gibson-countryman2024-05-18 23:34:58 UTC
Hello! This might be inconvenient for you to do, but could you tell me what files i need to use? It is kind of confusing. Thank you for your time!
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ADAM 0 - Articulated Doll Actionfigure Model Zero- Resin 3DPrint
Editorial No Ai License 
ADAM 0 - Articulated Doll Actionfigure Model Zero- Resin 3DPrint
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 91% in 1.3h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)33.2 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2022-05-27
  • Model ID#3658639