Time Dilation Apparatus - Space-Time Bender

Time Dilation Apparatus - Space-Time Bender 3D model


Time Dilation Apparatus - [Space-Time Bender]

Get two mechanical metronomes, place one metronome in line with the plane, facing the front of the plane, and one turned 90 degrees of the planes direction of motion, facing a side of the plane. Then, observe dilation between the two perfectly synced (use a piece of wood?) mechanical metronomes. Or, place one mechanical metronome on a rotating platter, and one next to it on your desk, again, observe dilation between both mechanical devices. now replace the two mechanical metronomes with atomic clocks if you can afford them, and place them as mentioned onboard your private jet.

No velocity, no altitude and no observation we make, has any influence on the concept of time, ever, as the dilation is merely between two clocks, that need to be resynced once back on the ground, to the clocks of the rest of the world anyway, as none of these two clocks is the master clock we call sun. time itself is a concept, it can not dilate, as the entire concept of time has the exact durations built in already. an hour will always be, an hour, a minute always a minute and second will always be... a second. A longer second, just does not exist.

Time dilation = deviation from expectation through calculation.

the tiniest measures are all calculated, not measured. time indeed does not really exist, outside of the system we use it for. time is not a cause, it can not do. events happened before we invented time, again, time is not a causation. time is fictional and made up, read Wikipedia and you will find out time was invented to make trains run on time, period, end of discussion.

time does not bend, time does not stretch, time does not warp time does not dilate, and if you think it does, you are batshit crazy. you can not demonstrate any of this. you can go bla bla all day about GPS, but YOU can NOT demonstrate it. i can however create dilation of time between 2 clocks, or even metronomes if it pleases you, to make it painfully obvious i indeed can create dilation between devices, right here on earth, not in space, right here, on earth. and yet, all it would mean is a force worked on one of the devices that tell time, and that then one is incorrect. also not a big problem, as there is no single master clock anywhere. all it is, is a difference between two devices. nothing we observe has any influence on anything, let alone time itself.

all segments that make up time are DEFINED length's. the exact reason WHY time dilation does not exist, as longer seconds or shorter seconds, DO NOT EXIST. nor do they have a NEED to even exist, as we have a smaller division segment name already DEFINED, namely: Milliseconds. so if a period is a little longer than one second, we call it ONE seconds, AND 15 milliseconds, RIGHT? think of how useless time would be, it it did dilate, it it did warp..... a rubber ruler, useless, this is why we use definitions for the duration's....

YES events are physical, time however, is NOT. and none of these events need any time. events do NOT need observers in order to happen, it is the concept time that needs us, humans. without us, time would not exist and everything would still happen. go stretch me some time then please demonstrate. we no longer make use of the suns motion to measure 24 segments.we mechanized it, made it all a constant. (and some would argue THIS is the EXACT reason, our constant time, for WHY we experience climate shift, because our perfect, constant time, no longer matches up with reality) it would even be better if we started using 36 segments per day, but that is another discussion, time as a system can be created as we please. 36 segments make 360 degrees and would match reality much better, this way we could have 4 times 8 segment shifts each day, create more jobs AND have longer resting period per worker, but whatever, probably already too complicated for you.

Oh science, Bend me a cubic Centimeter of space, stretch ye me a Second of time. All ye be doing is redefine that which has already been defined. [Units] function by agreement, stretched seconds, do not exist. a stretched or bent measure, is no measure.

E=mc3, as light moves through 3 dimensions, along all 3 axis of space, thus C times C times C is required for light to propagate through any space.

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i live off of comments, your likes and your tips. thank you for watching and reading.

Raqia-Design2021-06-16 10:20:26 UTC
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Time Dilation Apparatus - Space-Time Bender
Editorial No Ai License 
Time Dilation Apparatus - Space-Time Bender
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)43.1 MB
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max)1.55 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)596 KB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)32.1 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-06-16
  • Model ID#3105055
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry -
  • Polygons 0
  • Vertices 0
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing