3D Models for Makex M-One 3D Printer
Here you will find all 3D models which are compatible with the Makex M-One printer

About Makex M-One

MakeX, a fresh startup based in Ningbo, China, has launched a DLP SLA printer on Kickstarter in july of 2014. Their goal of raising 100,000$ was fulfilled in just 1 day. This printer is set to be the cheapest SLA printer in the market. M-one provides numerous benefits to the customer, such as software made by MakeX or a fully open-source platform. The printer is set to launch in 2015.

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3D Printer Specification

Check 3D printer's mechanical, electrical, technological specifications.

Physical Dimensions

Size: 380*320*490mm


Technology: DLP-SLA
Build volume: 145*110*170mm
Layer thickness: up to 20 micron
Feature size: min. 140 micron
