My workflow:
I started with zbrush and made a high poly sculpt(just around 4M polygons)
Then used zremesher tool to make a low poly model with around 15k polygons, divided it to get a high poly and projected the details onto it
Then I created UV maps using the UVMaster plugin in zbrush, created diffuse and normal maps and exported the model to cinema 4d.
Cinema 4d has a very good but underused tag called the PoseMorph tool, so I had to create a few poses for my animation.
Cinema 4d's sculpting mode is pretty cool, but still in infantile stage, so I used zbrush again to make 25 poses based on what animation I need for the model.
Once I animated it, I uploaded the textured, animated model to sketchfab.
link for the model:
This model was Staff Picked by sketchfab staff and I was satisfied with the then current model, but still I wanted some critique on the work before I call it a final version, so I posted it on reddit and got some great recommendations.
Based on those recommendations, I went back to my zbrush model again, made those changes and made a high poly sculpt and polypainted it.
I then redid the topology to get around 13k polygons this time and remade all the poses again.
Then I imported it again on cinema 4d, animated it and uploaded it to sketchfab using the Sketchfab exporter plugin for cinema 4d.
Link for the Completed animated 3d heart:
Even this one was staff picked and I am quite satisfied with the model, so I thought I'd sell it on CGTrader too... Check my profile to download the model.
I am sorry to bore you guys with all the details, but the take home message I want to give is to get review of your work before making it official. Ask your friends/coworkers what they feel about your artwork, dont feel bad if they give a negative review, just see if you can fix it, if you cant fix it, just tell them you cant do it. I got a lot of input from the people I asked and I neglected the parts which I cannot achieve.. In the end I am satisfied with the result(for now!). Be truthful to yourself and others and have a blast making 3d art.