Optimus Prime Battle Mask Animation" is a 3D project featuring the animated character of a Battle mask as Optimus Prime, a character from the Transformers series. This project was created using Blender, an open-source 3D software that allows users to create vibrant and stunning 3D animations. In this project, you show Optimus Prime wearing a battle mask with very smooth and natural movements and animations.
This work is very suitable to be applied as a promotional video for movies or games related to the Transformers series. "Optimus Prime Bettel Mask Animation" is a stunning and amazing work, which will impress and fascinate people with your skills and creativity in 3D animation.
you can check my Portofolio :
Illustration : https://www.instagram.com/alrezasp/
3D Design : https://www.instagram.com/delusionofmadness/
My 3D Project : https://www.artstation.com/skylandcinema