An eccentric, energetic and seemingly cheerful young Fairy-Elf girl who lives in an enchanted forest (which she herself bewitched to prevent the entry of undesirable guests), near The Great City of Lucis. She loves to make mischief and play with those unwanted guests who dare to enter the forest, turning them into stuffed animals, trees, animals or worse, in order to scare them away.
She is a ballerina of great talent, very good plastic artist, singer and multistrumentist (all this because every elf belonging to the Aragon family that is respected is, at least, multidisciplinary or, at most, polymath).
Like all respectable average elves of the Aragón family, she is an excellent archer and traceuse, however she is not very skilled with melee weapons, although she does not pay much attention to that because she exercises the discipline of Magic (discipline in which she stands out most ), being an incredible sorceress practicing Elven Arcane Magic and the Mysterious Magic of Fairies. Also, she practices a little bit of Muay Thai.
Due to his colorful personality and his "excess of joy", she can become a very annoying person for some people.
Although she usually seems to be happy, behind of that mask of joy and euphoria, there is a girl who suffers from depression.