This is a Lego Star Wars Miniature X-Wing 3D model that I made using Blender. I created this object in real life out of Lego pieces at a Lego event and thought it would be pretty cool to recreate it in the digital world. At the event there were pieces in separate buckets with instructions of what to do with them. As you went around the table you gathered the pieces and slowly completed the build. So just like in real life, in 3D I recreated the individual Lego pieces that I needed and put them together recreating the model. This allowed the model to stay low poly in 3D but still look like it was made using actual Lego bricks. You can see in the comparison image what the model looks like in real life as well in 3D.
This model was made using the metalness workflow, was made using the Cycles engine and uses PBR textures in PNG format.