Goku, the iconic character from the popular anime and manga series “Dragon Ball,” is often recreated by fans using 3D printing technology. These 3D printed Gokus come in various sizes and levels of detail. Some enthusiasts meticulously design and print every muscle, hair, and facial expression, capturing Goku’s dynamic poses and intense energy.
The process typically involves creating a digital 3D model of Goku using Blender and ZBrush. Once the model is ready, it’s sliced into layers using slicing software, and the printer builds up the physical model layer by layer. The choice of filament (usually PLA or ABS) affects the final appearance, with some artists even experimenting with translucent filaments to mimic Goku’s energy blasts.
Whether it’s a small figurine for display or a life-sized statue, 3D printed Gokus showcase the fusion of technology, creativity, and fandom. These collectibles often find their way into cosplay, dioramas, or simply as cherished items for fans of the Dragon Ball universe.
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