I haven't come yet with a name for it.
This was actually my first design for a ship in middleschool at an arts class, up to this point, theres been 5 generations of this ship; the first drawn version, a wood version, 1 lego, 1 rought 3d printable design on sketchup and this latest version on blender wich has 2 versions; combat frigate with adden armour and the transport version with largest hangars and barely armed. It's been quite a journey for her, and yet it doesn't have a name. Maybe "Basset".
The constant change in design pretty much depicts my transition from different mediums of art till this moment. Let's see what has the future for her.
Both versions were 3D printed in resin and painted. It may be one of my favourites projects, nothing like seing your creation on your hands.