After completing the short film Esther 6, KJV, I wanted to turn it into a comic. So, I selected specific frames from the short - rendered in FullHD, and just added speech bubbles. It turned out STUNNINGLY well! This is just one page - my fav page, because it shows the crowds. ALL 3D models. The reason? Because they needed to face a certain way, and I was not sure what I was going to do with the camera. In such cases, you need to prep the scene to accommodate that - not always practical, but in this case, it made the shot pop!
It really shows what Blender can do away from a render farm - oh yeah. The whole short was rendered on my PC. The city shot was about 5GB memory at render, LOL, yeah, my PC felt it, hahaha.
You can read the comic version on my Facebook page:
And you can watch the short film here:
Models so far available - converted to EEVEE, are:
Haman -
Persian Pillar -
Candelabra -
Have a super day!