Description :
Second science fiction model created in blender.
Non-real, abstract model suitable for fiction, film, wallpaper,images, games etc..
the design has a modern taste and has a futuristic characteristic and adds Sci-fi vibes to the context.
The model have a fully textured, detailed design that allows for close-up renders.
- Non-overlapping Unwrapped UVs.
- Animation included using geometry nodes
- Geometry nodes
- Animated
- All colors can be easily modified.
- Modifiers editable
- Uv mapped
Video animation included.
Bake texture included.
The rendering is setup Cycles
Lighting and setup file also included.
- Texture pack consists of Ambient Occlusion, Diffuse, Glossiness, Normal, Roughness,
- All textures are PNG format with the following resolutions 2048x2048 px.
- Hight resolution.