Hi, this is another experiment by SgaboLab .. It works but require a little modification using a file before assembly, you can see it on Video 1more dettails http://www.sgabolab.com/2016/12/3d-printing-bladeless-fan-prototype.html#links
For the test that you see in video, I use a pc fan and an adapter to boost static pressure of the fan, not the conic adapter that you see in video, my other idea :) You can see it in this other Video 2 .. and in this other Video 3 the bag inflating test.
You can find this adapter model among my drawings.
Simple pc fan attach to input hole not work, I suggest you can try with hairdryer or other power fan ;)
Suggest 0,4 nozzle / 0,2-0,3 layer / 20% infill
UPDATE: I made new prototype version with same air profile .. Valentine Bladeless fan, here little test with smoke where you can see how air move around it. Video 4
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