ebike parts

ebike parts Free 3D print model


Some 3d printed parts for my ebike.
The bike is a HASA comp3.0 mountain bike fitted with a magic-pie-2 motor.
Thing one is a 3 piece junction box which clamps around the handle-bar neck. It is not IP-anything but better than leaving the wires dangling in the wind and rain.
The neck has "saga" printed on it, the neck angle is 100 degrees and the neck tubes are about 35mm OD.

The second thing is micro-switch mount to sense the brake lever home position.
Levers with switches were supplied with the motor but the bike has combined gear and brake levers so I had to roll my own solution.

A mount for the cruise control switch. At least that is what golden motor call it. A bit like calling a nail a coat hanger.
It is a throttle lock which does not attempt to hold a set speed.
Pushing the button locks in the current throttle setting and it is cleared using the brake switches or pusing a second time.
The orginal part would not have mounted in this convenient position.
Photos of the older ebike are here.

Willax2014-10-10 07:43:55 UTC
Hello sir, My name is Willy Lauth, I am a student from Paris. I would like to present to my classmates you the impact that 3D printing could bring to bicycle. I very interested in your work and especially in your "free download" approach. Would you accept to answer a short email interview? I you accept, please send me an email at willy.lauth@yahoo.fr Thank you very much, Willy Lauth
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ebike parts
Editorial No Ai License 
ebike parts
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

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  • Other 309 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2014-08-07
  • Model ID#75468
  • Ready for 3D Printing