3D Printer Filament Spool

3D Printer Filament Spool Free 3D print model


Tested and working - open source, quick, simple, standard (2" PVC connector available at any hardware store). Used when your filament comes on a crappy cardboard spool. Print 2 sides and use PVC glue to glue sides onto a standard 2" PVC pipe connector. 180mm in diameter and takes a full 1kg of filament, rolls easily on 3/4" PVC pipe. Needs an 8x8 bed. If you scale it down, it won't fit the 2" PVC connector.

I use a battery powered drill and a bolt glued into a 3/4" PVC pipe, taped up, to respool from a cardboard spool. Works well and I no longer get jams from the cardboard sides spreading and the filament falling into the crack.

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3D Printer Filament Spool
Custom No Ai License 
3D Printer Filament Spool
Custom No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)643 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2014-08-19
  • Model ID#77699
  • Ready for 3D Printing