Compact Сreality Ender 3 extruder protection (cover) with provided standard cooling locations and mount for BL Touch (3D Touch). A model without a sensor mount is also included.Advantages:CompactnessProperly formed cooling flows,Easy maintenanceLaconic design.
For printing, choose plastics with a high melting point. The model is printed on ABS, layer thickness 0.2 mm, nozzle 0.4 mm.To print the cooling for part, use the location as in the photo with the support blocking block, to protect the channels from printing supports.
M3 nuts for attaching the fan and attaching the cable are glued onto two-component epoxy adhesive. After gluing the nuts, the model was aged until the glue hardened completely.
Mounting, assembly:Bolts (4 pcs.) Radiator cooling - standard.One housing mounting bolt was replaced for a longer one - 12 mm. of the second standard one.For fastening the cooling part used 2x9 mm. screws (4 pcs.).Cable fastening bolts 4x12 mm. (4 pcs.)Sensor mounting with a standard set of bolts, washers, springs, nuts.
Model, printed parts, assembly, see attached photos.