Johnny Silverhand, originally born as Robert John Linder, is a character throughout the Cyberpunk series, as well as an influential Rockerboy and the lead singer of the band Samurai before the breakup in 2008.[2][3] An ex-US military veteran who defined the rockerboy movement to what it is today. He was the most prominent figure that fought against the corrupted US government and the Megacorporations. Johnny concentrates most of his anger to the Arasaka Corporation. He's charismatic and quite the charmer. However Johnny is also known to be irrational, impulsive, and a manipulator often being described as a terrorist.
Johnny has a temper and seems to always be on edge, mostly due to his history in the Central American Conflict. His dedication and ambitions are what keep him going, but at the end of the day he doesn't care much for the people around him as long as they are used to accomplish his goals.