Biker Mice from Mars is an American television series created in 1993 by Rick Ungar and issued that year for three seasons. It tells the story of three humanized mice (Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie) who like to ride motorcycles. The Biker Mice escape from their home planet, Mars, due to an ecological disaster caused by the Plutarkians to crash land in the city of Chicago and there they meet Charlene Charley Davidson, a charmingly beautiful mechanic. They also discover that their enemies also came to Earth to plunder and exploit its natural resources.
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This is part of a fanart created for those who enjoyed and grew up with this show. When I was a kid I enjoyed making this amazing characters in clay or something similar, but now with the same enthusiasm of my childhood and my new skills I can bring them back with a high level of quality for us.
We greatly appreciate when you download it that you give us a good rating to continue growing on the platform.
Disclaimer: By purchasing this product, you can print and collect the pieces. This does not include a commercial license, if you want to sell them, you must contact with us to expand reproduction rights. Although this collectibles are inspired by an existing series, the characters that here we are giving you are a complete reinterpretation of the ones you see in action figures or tvseries. We are not in the business of doing exact replicas.
If you have any question you can contact in our social media as instagram, facebook or whatsapp business
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