3D Saltaire Enviroment

3D Saltaire Enviroment Free 3D print model


I created these model and the environment in 3DS Max My final designs on a 3D Saltaire didn’t work as i planned it to do so instead of me doing the Salts building and Victoria hall i choose to do a bench and some of Saltaire houses, the BR 333 and BR 158 trains both were designed and created in 3ds max and used in the final render, the Saltaire train station had a few different changes into design stages from begin two platforms to being a one station with a glass roof, the sheds at Roberts park where going to be designed but instead did the band stand and a bench. i also added floating platforms in to make it look more futuristic.the thing i like most about the final design is that its not all on one flat plain and the separate models whereon there own island. my time management was the key to the success of me meeting the deadline i knew how many model i had and how many hours i could put into it a night that is why i changed from doing lots of big models to doing small and medium models, i could've done more on it if the computers at college had the same updated software as i had this made it a large problem when making models on 3ds max 2014 at home and college computers using 3ds max 2012 The lighting and rendering where major issues on 3ds max because i had to do the work on my laptop it was powerful enough to do the full Avi or Jpeg sequence of renders, the texturing was also an issue when i merged the file the texture started to jump around with a different texture on it. i found creating the train easy as i could 100% change the colour and design of it because i have a passion for train this gave me the drive to do more the the train models and the station. Some of my model like the house, bench and BR 333 train compare extremely well to other professional model but the other models look like they are made by an amateur or just have been rushed , i uploaded picture of all my individual models and the finished product on my social media changes such as ‘Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram’ i got an amazing positive response such as ‘That looks well ace’ and ‘Louis the must have taken you ages to do the look really good’ i think next time i need to manage my time better and not let other thing get in the way of my 3ds max designated time .

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3D Saltaire Enviroment
Royalty Free No Ai License 
3D Saltaire Enviroment
Royalty Free No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max)7.4 MB
  • Other 4.64 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2016-10-04
  • Model ID#652581
  • Ready for 3D Printing