Lego Servo Turret System

Lego Servo Turret System Free 3D print model



Servo Mounts to Attach Servo to Technics System, Turret

Used here for creating a Turret using standard servos, Legos, and an Arduino.


Action Shot (wokka wokka wokka)

I wanted to make a turret system that would have lots of actuation, but I could use the excellent cannons from the Lego system. I have had trouble getting other systems to shoot reliably with a small package, so I designed this system to combine my standard servos with my Legos.

The system uses 3-4 servos depending on how much actuation you want, I used 3 standard sized servos, for Left/Right elevation, rotation. The triggering servo is a micro servo from Radio Shack, the others are HiTecs.

The servo mounts were inspired by the ones available from, but I improved upon them a bit. I loaded some photos of the originals so you can get an idea of how they work. You won't need the circular horns, though, unless you choose to integrate your servos with the Technics in some other way than shown here. You will also need the screw adapter horn that was included with your servos when you bought them.

Recommended Parts:
3-4 standard servos (HiTec)
1 Micro Servo (triggering)
3 Servo Mounts (Left/Right/Rotate)
1 Trigger (Firing)
1 CannonHorns
124mm Air Tubing
Dental Floss
2 Lego Cannons
Misc Legos

The trigger has support included in the design that should be snapped off in order to connect the micro servo. Cut the Air Tubing in half, and connect 6 one of each of them to each side of the trigger. Attach the other ends to the CannonHorns. Thread a section of dental floss through each of the tubes, attaching one end to the micro servo horn, and the other end to the firing pins on the cannons. Add a drop of super glue to the knots to keep a tight connection. Make sure to leave plenty of slack in the floss so that the cannons won't fire inadvertently. See the images for more detail.

I used an Arduino with Xbee, bridged through a PC with VB.Net to an Iphone running TouchOSC.

The Arduino motor shield is one I designed myself that supports (simultaneously)
4 Amplified Analog Motors
4 Hobby Servos
4 Amplified Digital Outputs
Communications open on 0/1
All Analogins unused.

Let me know with any questions about the shield. BTW, I designed it with lego-dimensioned holes for easy integration with legos.

augustynd2024-03-13 11:03:56 UTC
oxpehehho2021-01-29 23:59:51 UTC
not bad
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Lego Servo Turret System
Custom No Ai License 
Lego Servo Turret System
Custom No Ai License 
Response 0% in 48.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (4 files)1.74 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2016-02-11
  • Model ID#250804
  • Ready for 3D Printing