Some simple Trunks. Multi-part kit to print in different colors and assemble later, also can be fit, primed and painted.
This object does not need supports and the files are ready to use (Stl. Obj. Vrml Formats) If you need another format for the files, ask me without problem. Also any comment, tip or advice are welcome!
The best moment to fit the metal part is right after its printing since the plastic is still a bit elastic.
The original scale is adjusted to 32mm miniatures.
Four models are included (Stl, Obj and Vrml) Trunk v1, Trunk v1-Mini, Trunk v2 and Trunk v2-Mini. It can be used in wargames/boardgames like Warhammer, Warmachine, Kings of War, D&D, Frostgrave... also to create other 3D models or create other miniatures miniatures, dioramas even in Railway Models
Thank you for download!