Roll for the Galaxy Board Game Organizer Insert with Ambition

Roll for the Galaxy Board Game Organizer Insert with Ambition Free 3D print model


Organizer for the Roll for the Galaxy board game with its Ambition Expansion, designed for upright storage in the retail game box.

Notes on individual items:

-- DiceSorter, the centerpiece of this system, can be printed at a low infill percentage (e.g., 5%).

-- Print two of GreenOrangeLid and YellowPurpleLid; all other trays and lids are single-print.

-- All dice are visible through the lids, in case changing filament colors is not possible/practical.

-- The trays for the faction tiles, main tiles, and home tiles allow for segragation of the base game components from the expansion.

DiceSorter is slightly recessed when compared to the top of the tiles in their trays, which allows room for the player screens and player boards during storage.

WARNING for non-US users: due to different dimensions across printing runs, some copies of Roll for the Galaxy may have components that do not fit in this organizer (see comments). Please print at your own risk.

random2362020-06-22 22:16:14 UTC
Hello 1Peter567, i also purchased your Roll for the Galaxy Game Organizer today. I also have some spacing problems. Printed the PhaseHomeTray, and one of the five Phases Cards and also one of the Home Worlds didnt' fit in the slot. Spend some time into investigation, remeshed the STL into a solid body to make some CAD Measurements, width for the home bases plates (only base game) are 19.6 mm (CAD), apart the error of tessellation of the mesh for the stl file. But i think you used a fine mesh for tesselation, so the error is negligible. Measured my printed model i've got a width of 19.653 mm. My game is from Pegasus Spiele (Germany), and every plate has a thickness of 2.3mm, with 9 base game cards i have around one millimeter not enough space (9x2.3 = 20.7mm vs. 19.6mm). Maybe you can measure your plate thickness for comparison? I agree with you that the thickness of the plates and maybe the dices varies with country and publishing company. But before leaving you a bad review, maybe we both can find a solution. The organizer is a masterpiece of modeling work, and i would appreciate to use it for the game. All other Organizer Models at Thingiverse, e.g looks worse. First i would recommend to add a information on the page, that your model isn't working for all countrys / publishers to prevent people are investing money for a model which is not fitting. Are you able to refit the model for the german market? I can offer you my help, for the remoddeling but need the original model files to modify. Maybe we can get into contact, and i send you the modified files back with the promise not to make them freely accessible. You spend time into your models, so I can understand to land a little money for your work ;-). If, not is CGTrader offering some refund process? Best regards from Germany. random236
1Peter5672020-06-23 00:39:18 UTC
Random236, that might be the most thoughtful, detailed, and polite comment that I have ever received in my (limited) experience with internet commerce. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain the problem in detail! And yes, just as one example, my plates are *barely* 2mm thick, so we definitely have an issue of international diplomacy. First thing that I will do is make this model free and include a warning for oversees users. Secondly, I would like to get your money back to you, even if there is a way to modify the models to your satisfaction. You can either request a refund via or send me your PayPal/Venmo info via private CGTrader message. (Even though it would cost me a bit more, I would prefer the latter, if you have no preference.) And finally, I use Fusion 360 to generate my models. Would the Fusion 360 files help? If not, let me know what format is preferable; Fusion has about ten options for export. Thanks again for your understanding and kind words ... there is hope for internet communication after all! ;)
macson272021-08-25 10:41:22 UTC
Hi 1Peter567, I am from Germany too and I like the design. I would appreciate to use it for the game. Do you created some new models for the German / European region with the help of random236? Thanks
1Peter5672021-08-25 12:29:28 UTC
Thanks for the kind words and your interest in the organizer, macson27. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to design an organizer without the physical objects present. Since I do not have a European version of the game, I have not been able to design an alternate version of the organizer. Sorry for not having better news!
karopanda2021-10-29 09:33:17 UTC
Hi! I do get that this version does not fit the German version. Is there a different version of this organizer that does fit?
1Peter5672020-06-06 14:29:47 UTC
Regarding the yellow dice and tile issues mentioned in the reviews, my dice used in the design are approximately 11.9 mm per side, with some slop left over in the trays. I don't know what the variance may exist across print runs, but the commenter in the reviews is the only feedback of this type that I have received despite many models having been sold. There may also be a variance across regions and dates; I purchased my copy of Roll for the Galaxy in the USA by Rio Grande in ~2018.
dfinberg2023-09-05 00:24:42 UTC
I think it must be different printings of the game. My Rio Grande Copy the stack of expansion faction tiles is around 32.5mm, while the dimensions of the model places it at 29.5mm. Weirdly, the phase tiles are fine. The extra tiles kind of fit in the slop of the faction tray, I may just add a bottom plate to it and use that to hold the 2 faction and 1 expansion homeworld that don't fit otherwise.
1Peter5672023-09-05 00:27:57 UTC
Thanks for the additional info, dfinberg! And yes, the variations among all the printings are quite odd.
Item rating
0 1
superroyer2020-06-09 18:40:18 UTC
Not Recommended
Not enough tolerance. I had to sand the yellow dice tray so they would fit in. It is impossible to put all the faction from the expansion in the designated slot. The expansion home do not fit either in the designated slot. Samre problem with main tiles from the expansion. A lot of lost filament. estep, steps and flow% are well calibrated.
Roll for the Galaxy Board Game Organizer Insert with Ambition
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Roll for the Galaxy Board Game Organizer Insert with Ambition
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Response 94% in 4.4h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (21 files)2.29 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (21 files)5.38 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (21 files)6.34 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2020-03-15
  • Model ID#2314707