This mask is a replica of Jetstream Sam's mask from Metal Gear Rising Revengance.
All of the larger parts can be printed at .3mm layer height and at least 20% infill.
The hinges should be .1mm layer height for strength and detail and 100% infill.
You can orient the parts depending on how fast you need to print them and the strength of the print.
If the jaw mounts aren't snug enough I made a slot above the ear for an elastic band to cross the top of the head to secure it that way.
I used my head as a reference to check the fit so you will need to scale every part up or down to fit yours.
How to measure: check ear-to-ear distance with the calipers provided and plug the measurement into this proportion:
6.5/100=(your measurement)/xor6.5x=(your measurement) x 100
When you put the mask on you should do it one half at a time.
Since everyone's head is shaped differently, if you run into any fitment issues, send me a message and I will make a google doc with the adjusted file.