Collapsible Adjustable Phone Stand

Collapsible Adjustable Phone Stand Free 3D print model


Collapsable/Adjustable Phone Stand

This phone stand is a print in place, which means you can print it in one peace without assembling it afterwards.

You can adjust the angle of your phone by just pulling it upwards. Phones with case work up to a 10mm thickness (which fits almost every modern phone)

I test printed this on an Creality Ender 3 without any difficulties using:

Nozzle: 0.4mm

Layer: 0.2mm

Speed: 60mm/s

Infill: 20%

Support: Yes

I printed in ABS, but PLA or PETG should work aswell.

I use this stand on a daily bases for over 2 years now. It works really well and serves me good.

Hope you enjoy.

For any questions or problems with the model send me an e-mail:

artemiy-jur 2023-09-18 14:58:10 UTC
Good model, but I recommend slice the base (frame) by 4 parts to avoid support structures and be able to disassemble the model.
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Collapsible Adjustable Phone Stand
Editorial No Ai License 
Collapsible Adjustable Phone Stand
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)1.34 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-05-21
  • Model ID#3053878
  • Ready for 3D Printing