Maitreya (i.e. Maitreya Bodhisattva, also called Maitreya Bodhisattva mahasa) (Sanskrit Maitreya, Pali metteyya), which is translated as Tzu and transliterated as mereliya. In Mahayana Buddhist classics, Maitreya is often called ayido Bodhisattva mahasa. It is the successor of the Buddha Sakyamuni. In the future, Maitreya will be born and cultivated in the Saha world and become the next Buddha (also called Future Buddha) in the Saha world, That is, the fifth Buddha among the Thousand Buddhas, which is often called Maitreya Buddha when he comes to the next life. It is regarded as the originator of the school of idealism. Its huge ideological system is interpreted and promoted by Wuzhao Bodhisattva and Shiqin Bodhisattva. It is highly praised by Chinese Mahayana Buddhist masters Zhi Qian, dao'an and Xuan Zang. In some monasteries of Han Buddhism, it is common to see bare chested, open belly and smiling (or big belly bhikkhu) modeled on the cloth bag monk. As an expression of Dharma education in Buddhism, it means great quantity and great blessing, reminding the world to learn tolerance. The big belly can accommodate things that are difficult to accommodate in the world; Open your mouth and laugh at the ridiculous people in the world.