Jesus dried by Veronica -Way Of The Cross 14 Stations Via Crucis

Jesus dried by Veronica -Way Of The Cross 14 Stations Via Crucis Free 3D print model


Way Of The Cross-14 Stations of the Cross - Via_Dolorosa - Via Crucis - Jesus Christ Christian to download all from here

  1. STAZIONE Gesù condannato a morte 1.I STATION Jesus condemned to death

II. STAZIONE Gesù caricato della croce 2-II. STATION Jesus carrying the cross

III. STAZIONE Gesù cade per la prima volta 3-III. STATION Jesus falls for the first time

IV. STAZIONE Gesù incontra la sua Madre 4-IV. STATION Jesus meets his Mother

V . STAZIONE Gesu aiutato dal Cireneo 5-V. STATION Jesus helped by the Cyrenean

VI . STAZIONE Gesù asciugato dalla Veronica 6-VI. STATION Jesus dried by Veronica free

VII . STAZIONE Gesù cade la seconda volta 7-VII . STATION Jesus falls the second time

VIII . STAZIONE Gesù consola le pie donne VIA CRUCIS 8-VIII. STATION Jesus consoles the pious women VIA CRUCIS

IX . STAZIONE Gesù cade la terza volta 9-IX . STATION Jesus falls the third time

X . STAZIONE Gesù spogliato dalle vesti 10-X . STATION Jesus stripped of his clothes

XI. STAZIONE Gesù inchiodato in Croce 11-XI. STATION Jesus nailed to the Cross

XII. STAZIONE Gesù morto in croce 12-XII. STATION Jesus died on the cross

XIII. STAZIONE Gesù deposto dalla Croce 13-XIII. STATION Jesus taken down from the Cross

XIV. STAZIONE Gesù nel sepolcro 14-XIV. STATION Jesus in the tomb

Model created, edited , renderd in Zbrush - artcam software.

ready for PRINTING OR MILLING ON CNC for that we renderd many pictures to imagine the different metals that can be used for this model IF YOU NEED ANY SUPPORT AM HERE FOR YOUR HELP

Inlcudes files versions :

OBJ : all model to 3dprint and cnc CLOSED

STL : for all parts of model to 3dprint and cnc

rlf : to open and edit it easily in any version of artcam to be ready for milling on cnc -open source

Nominal size (although easily adjustable in any 3D software)

Please consider that model has been remodeled for molding and be ready for printing/milling on cnc and there some elements (thorns) can became very fragile if scaled down too much.

If you need another format for the files, ask me without problem

if you need to do an edit or ask any question just text me We always hope that you will find with us what you are looking for -- thanks

The Stations of the Cross refer to a series of depictions of the events of the Passion of Christ and the prayers and rituals associated with these. There are truths to be gleaned from this practice for any believer, reminding us of Jesus’ death and sacrifice to save us from sin and redeem us.

For centuries, Roman Catholic believers have celebrated the Stations of the Cross, or Way of the Cross, usually the week before Easter. The Stations of the Cross refer both to a series of depictions of Christ’s journey from the court of Pontius Pilate to the tomb and to a short pilgrimage centered around these stations.

Though the Stations of the Cross or Via Crucis is typically associated with Catholicism, some Protestant churches also participate in this or a modified version of the practice. Though certain denominations may not agree with all parts of the Stations of the Cross, there are truths to be gleaned from this practice for any believer, reminding us of Jesus’ death and sacrifice to save us from sin and redeem us.

barry92024-06-05 07:38:01 UTC
beautiful work
Art-Shop-3Dmodel2024-06-05 09:50:16 UTC
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Jesus dried by Veronica -Way Of The Cross 14 Stations Via Crucis
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Jesus dried by Veronica -Way Of The Cross 14 Stations Via Crucis
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Response 90% in 2.3h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
3D Scanning

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)24.4 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)27.5 MB
  • Other 18.9 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-04-12
  • Model ID#5217706
  • Ready for 3D Printing