Waterman Butterfly World Map Projection

Waterman Butterfly World Map Projection Free 3D print model



Really? You know the Waterman? Have you seen the 1909 Cahill map it's based - You have a framed reproduction at home?! Well I have a 3D printed version at home.

Inspired by Randall Munroe's xkcd What Your Favorite Map Projection Says About You webcomic http://xkcd.com/977/
~ Thank you Randall for introducing me to the Butterfly projection ~

More information on this really awesome projection of our world here:

Unfortunately this 3D printed version can't be folded back into the globe... yet


This piece was designed to have different colors at each of the three layers


Size: ~200mm x 120mm x 4mm
Pause at:
1.5mm Z height to change to 2nd color
2.9mm Z height to change to 3rd color


This is the gcode used to print the pieces shown - Requires Sailfish firmware - created with Simplify3D
Layer height 0.1
Left Extruder 200?C
3 shells
20% infill
Pause at:
Layer 15 / Z 1.5mm
Layer 29 / Z 2.9mm
Total Time: ~3 hours


This is the .x3g created from the gcode listed above
Use if it you have a MakerBot (or offshoot) running Sailfish


This is actually the original size file. Use it if you want to cut it up into pieces or have one of those huge printers.
Size: ~900mm x 550mm x 15mm


The Solidworks part file used to create the .STLs

Item rating
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Waterman Butterfly World Map Projection
Custom No Ai License 
Waterman Butterfly World Map Projection
Custom No Ai License 
Response 0% in 48.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)3.78 MB
  • Other 8.17 MB
  • SolidWorks (.sldprt, .sldasm, .slddrw)3.57 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2016-01-11
  • Model ID#231572
  • Ready for 3D Printing