Dynamo Recharger for velodroom

Dynamo Recharger for velodroom Free 3D model


This is my idea for the “velodroom” competition.

A FEW DETAILS:The basic idea: To recharge your electronic devices while cycling. The system should be as simple as possible, fastly removable and easy to store in your pocket or bag.

The concept:The whole idea consists of 3 basic parts: The GSM/GPS holder, the dynamo and the cable with 1-2 exta straps (which are not included in the SolidWorks files).

The Physical principle: The electricity produced while cycling would not be constant, so it would be necessary to incorporate an electric regulator which would limit the voltage. The rechargable system would work via USB.

Why is this idea any different from already used solutions?Exactly, this principle has already been used by NOKIA, but my idea has a few special features that connect your design and usage. The Nokia system is based on a fixed position of the dynamo, mine is not and is easly removable.

The drawings: I did my basic design by hand, also the picture is taken with not the best camera, but the concept is clear.

My idea has 4 special features:1. The dynamo would not be at a fixed position, it would be connected to the bar the same way as your light, this way you could easly regulate its position.2. The connection between the dynamo and the holder (that is connected to the bar) would be a bit different. They would be connected with a spring that would push them together (drawing 2 and 3), the touching surface would not be flat, but there would be integrated a circular sprocket on both surfaces (holder and dynamo). This way you could rotate the dynamo head to the best position possible with a »click click« motion.3. The dynamo head would be a little spherical (drawing 2), so it would be easier to adjust the head position and this way to insure a good grip.4. The cable would not be at a fixed lenght, but it would be adjustable by the same system as used in measuring tapes. You could pull out to the lenght needed and when you would remove the system, you could contract the cable by pushing the red botton (drawing 2),

I did not put much effort in the design of the electric device holder. There is shown just an idea, where you could connect a phone or GPS with the holder by using 2 rubber straps, but I am sure there are many better ways that would allow to lockout devices in all different shapes and sizes. I would also attach 2 velcro straps on the cable. This way you could link the cable with the bicycle bars. The velcro straps should be able to move up and down the cable.

NOTE: The cable is not very admirable, it just shows how it should be connected :) This goes for the whole system, this is just my perspective and idea, there are many ways to use the same principle in a more effective way, I am sure about that!

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Dynamo Recharger for velodroom
Editorial No Ai License 
Dynamo Recharger for velodroom
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • PDF (.pdf) (2 files)8.27 MB
  • IGES (.ige, .igs, .iges)2.73 MB
  • SolidWorks (.sldprt, .sldasm, .slddrw)7.59 MB
  • Other 704 KB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 0
  • Vertices 0
  • Textures -
  • Materials -
  • UV Mapping -
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used -
  • Publish date2014-12-04
  • Model ID#94437