These are 10 meshes about a wooden fence. There is the mainfence, a mainfence with a little door (2meshes) an edge, a middle section and an entrance for a pasture(5meshes). All meshes have got materials assigned and are uv-wrapped. Perhaps you have to do some fine adjustments, but the .fbx files you can find in the folder, were tested in unreal engine 4 and everything worked fine. With a little bit of knowledge of blueprints in the ue4editor it's easy to arrange an open-close cycle for both the pastureentrance and the fencedoor. You should know, that the doors of the pastureentrance is to imagine as the innerdoor slide across the outerdoors, while they open around the z-axis. You can find all of the meshes in the .blend file or as seperated files in the folder. Also there are the textures in the folder I have used. There are colour, normal and roughness maps.
I hope you like what you see and probablly you will download one. The files are for free and have a royalty free license, so feel free to use thme in your projects.
with best regards, yours pichlerdesigns