chess pieces with highly shinnig meterial and highly textured with nice color and it is with the black king, queen and pawn This is toy of science which inhance your mind power you can use it in house and office 3d models it has no copy right of any kind you can use it in your animation video and on any other project of your ownit is beutyfully textured and a nice lighting background with high quality colors and a heart toching background you can render it in cycles and eevee it looks same in both render in cycles but also in eevee and workbanchyou can use it in your videos of any kind like motion tracking and others you can post it on instagram, youtube, facebook, reddit, and tiktok it has no copyright of any kind it is rendered in cycle engine it has a animation of 6 second wich looks very nice you can catch the eye of your customers to your gigs or on other platform