This 3D model was originally created with Sketchup 13 and then converted to all other 3D formats. Native format is .skp 3dsmax scene is 3ds Max 2016 version, rendered with Vray 3.00 Space Battle Fortress OSIRIS, the carrier mass production for Saturn Space Forces. Armament: 27 guns. In Their spacecraft docks can carry 8 battle space shuttles Sea King class, 6 assault fighters GHOST HUNTER 12 Tornado or Typhoon fighters assault. Length: 283m. . ***. Space Battle Fortress "OSIRIS" - carrier mass production of Saturn Space Forces. Armament: 27 guns. In its docks ship can carry 8 class space shuttle "Sea King", 6 attack aircraft "Ghost Hunter" 12 attack aircraft "Tornado" or "Typhoon". Length: 283m.