This 3D model was originally created with Sketchup 8 and then converted to all other 3D formats. Native format is .skp 3dsmax scene is 3ds Max 2016 version, rendered with Vray 3.00 UV Mapping took ages. I hate SketchUp xD Alpha Centauri Bb is a possible extrasolar planet orbiting the K-type main-sequence star Alpha Centauri B, located 4.37 light-years from Earth in the southern constellation of Centaurus. If verified, it would be the closest extrasolar planet to Earth ever discovered, and the lowest-minimum-mass planet detected so far around a solar-type star. Its existence was announced in October 2012 by a team of European observers, and the finding received widespread media attention. However, the announcement was met with scepticism by some astronomers, who believed that the European team was over-interpreting its data.
On June 10, 2013, scientists reported that the earlier claims of an Earth-like exoplanet orbiting Alpha Centauri B may not be supported. The existence of the planet remains a subject of scientific debate, and research by at least three separate groups of astronomers is ongoing.