This 3D model was originally created with Sketchup 13 and then converted to all other 3D formats. Native format is .skp 3dsmax scene is 3ds Max 2016 version, rendered with Vray 3.00 Also known as White Mangrove or Manawa (Maori name), this species, like the other Avicennia species, develops aerial roots known as pneumatophores whose task is to let the plant absorb oxygen from the air when the lower roots are soaked in water. If the Mangrove grows on solid dry ground, pneumatophores are usually not developed. Mangroves thrive in a mix of salty and fresh waters, while where the salt concentration is too high they experience stunted growth. Height: 3 to 10 m. Origin: Northwestern Australia, New Zealand, Tropical Pacific Environment: intertidal zones of estuarine areas