This is a 3D Model Sci Fi Futuristic Military BaseThis Model is made of Blender.This model contains every militar building, a Watch tower, two truck,some goods, missiles, Rooms etc. After Purchsing this , You can add some more elements, If you want.
I Put an image (sky Photo) for environment lightingYou can modify if you want.I have attached the .blender saved file. You can change the materials or light settings , if you want.
Availble Formats :
All Files are in V1.zip. You can purchase that. The zip file has All Saved files and All formats. The .blend saved files are available in both Blender 2.79 version and Blender 2.8 Version are there in zip file.
If any queries or suggessifons, feel free to ask. I will response any time.You can also leave message to contact me.
This is a royalty free content. You can Use this 3d model for your games or film making CG purposes.Users are free to modify any content they purchase.
All items sold are non-transferable, and users cannot sub-license the content for further redistribution, whether or not they have modified it. Users cannot buy the content and then distribute it to other developers to use in other projects.