Hi Brothers and Sisters, This is a Sci-Fi weapon Hammer 3D Model, which is made using Blender 2.8 EEVEE. This is UV unwrapped model. This is a royalty free model, You can directly use this for your short animation movies or any other games. I used texture as material, which is attached to this.
Proper Environment settings and Lights are already set in this model. I have attached the .blender saved file. You can change the materials or light settings , if you want.This is made with Blender 2.8 EEVEE render engine, which is latest.All Texture images are attached with this.
Available Formats: 1. .OBJ 2. .blend
If any queries or suggessifons, feel free to ask. I will response any time.You can also leave message to contact me.
This is a royalty free content. You can Use this 3d model for your games or film making CG purposes.Users are free to modify any content they purchase.
All items sold are non-transferable, and users cannot sub-license the content for further redistribution, whether or not they have modified it. Users cannot buy the content and then distribute it to other developers to use in other projects.