This 3D model was originally created with Sketchup 7 and then converted to all other 3D formats. Native format is .skp 3dsmax scene is 3ds Max 2016 version, rendered with Vray 3.00 This model is my very first attempt of doing a Tardis control room with a TARDIS Console, I know there are far better models than this, I used what was available to me and what I was able to do to create the console controls
I do not know how to make domed shapes or do wires, so I used different shapes and try to be consistent with the pattern layout, only two panels are slightly different, but that is because I wanted it to be that way. Other than this, I was inventive putting roundals into the base of the TARDIS Console, which I do not think that has been done before, certainly not in Doctor Who console History.
I experimented with having a rod inside the Time Rotor, I made it a hexagon shaped one, as I felt that added a better extra dimension than a cylinder rod, the whole control room and console follows a pattern, of circles and hexagons, the roundals are randomly placed and of random sizes.
They are meant to be that way, adding what I feel that cookie style befitting of any Doctor, the console is almost like the Peter Davison/Colin Baker/Sylvester McCoy's TARDIS Console, I even put roundals on the door frame of the Interior door. I wanted to have a metalic look to the console, some of what I call touch plates, also nob controls are meant to be sort of organic in nature.