I offer the model for free, feel free to leave a positive review on my account.This is a Wardrobe room Design with visualilsation I have prepared with high quality models and textures. It's part of a full apartment design I did for a client, you can find other parts of the Design like the Open living space, Kitchen, Coffee Corner, Bedroom, Two Bathrooms in my profile.
Corona 11.2 + 3Ds Max 2021 ( Made in 2024)VFB settings, Cameras, Lighting and Render settings are all included and ready to render.Lighting of this scene is optimal, no LightMix was used so you can reuse the lighting for your personal projects with no issues.No Photoshop is used in preivews, so if you render it you will get same resaults.Any questions? go ahead and ask me at sasan.safar@gmail.com