2024-06-28 08:40:38 UTCbonobono9311
really good!!
When you download the Edding 300 markers, you will find four different colors (Black / Green / Blue / Red ) in the data. The textures were exported for Unity and Unreal Engine. In general, you will find a folder (Textures) with the 4 different BaseColors, which make up the basic image. Height, Metallic, Normal and Roughness are suitable for all of the 4 color variations. In the data you will also find a PSD to edit the label, the image resolution is 4K.
Open Model - Size 2.27 x 2 x 14 cm Vertices 330 Edges 668 Faces 339 Triangles 646
Closed Model - Size 2.27 x 2 x 14 cm Vertices 258 Edges 512 Faces 255 Triangles 502