Hi, friend! This is a game ready model of carbage bags. Often while creating any street level it is vital to put some bags with trash to complete the environment. In that case we'll get a better look.
I've tried to make it quite realistic so you could use it without losing the level of your game but to keep it as well-optimized as possible too.
There are two separate meshes, one consists of 1K faces and another one is 3K. That's the minimum I could do without losing the details.
Separate meshes:
Total polycount: 5 120 faces
Theese two models are provided with own separate 4096x4096 textures (and again, I just wanted this asset to look good).
If you have any questions/suggestions, please, write that in a comment section or contact me on my e-mail: andriyandriy1956@outlook.com
Thank you!