2024-04-14 11:47:25 UTClelesjogos
Based of the real life Work Bench below:https://www.ajprodukter.se/verkstad-industri/arbetsbankar/arbetsbank/55632-32222463.wf?productId=32222464&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3f6HBhDHARIsAD_i3D-Fu1H6JGv8VcYNooj-HLV9equqkvTYsnuAAQnJ1wDcLeznIGiwXDEaAmhvEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.dsUse it however or wherever you want.Also, this is my first work i've published here on CGtrader, so i hope you will enjoy it!If the materials don't work as intended, i have provided a .zip folder with the only image texture, which is the wood of the main board.