This is a sofa model made in blender version 2.9. This model contains texture and shading beautifully. In this blender sofa modelling tutorial, we are going to take a cube and then we have scaled it to the perfect size. Then we added a cloth modifier to it to simulate cloth on our blender sofa base . Then we have duplicated the blender sofa base to make the back of the blender sofa.
Then we made cushions using cloth simulation. And then duplicated it several times to make other parts. Now it was time for the legs of the blender sofa, so we added a cube and bevelled it. Then we set the profile from super ellipse to custom. Then we added our custom shape.
Now for the details for our blender sofa, we used the cloth brush to add wrinkles to our blender sofa modelling and repeated the same process on every cushion.
Then we added two extra cushions and then we used a blender kit to import materials. Then we created the render setup for our blender sofa and our blender sofa is ready.