pirate-handwheel - 4455 polygons
Model content:
Archive - pirate-chandelier-Ue4-fbx-2016.rar - pirate-chandelier.fbx, pirate-handwheel.fbx
Archive - pirate-chandelier-Ue4-texture.rar(8bit) - Color.png, Emissive.png, Normal.png, RGB-roughness-metall-AO.psd
naming example (pirate-chandelier-Color)
Archive - pirate-chandelier-Unity-fbx-2016.rar - The same as in the example above, is characterized by properties characteristic of this format.
Archive - pirate-chandelier-Unity-texture.rar (TGA8bit) - Albedo, AO, Normal, Emissive, SpecularSmoothness
naming example (pirate-chandelier-Albedo)
Archive - pirate-chandelier-all-texture.rar (PNG8bit) - AO, Cavity, Color, Diffuse, Emissive, Glossiness, Metallic, Normal, Roughness, Specular
naming example (pirate-chandelier-Cavity)
Archive - pirate-chandelier-obj.rar - The same as in the example above, is characterized by properties characteristic of this format. Added Mtl
Archive - pirate-chandelier-3ds.rar - The same as in the example above, is characterized by properties characteristic of this format.
File - pirate-chandelier-max-2013.max