-Polys: 175113-Verts: 175159Formats MODEL :OBJ-FBX-DXF-DWG-3ds-maxFORMAT TEXTURE: PNG (16 bit) (4K resolution )-single mesh object-object possitioned on the ground plane at the origion-pivot origin (0,0,0)
-model scale : real world -1unit=1meteruvmapping:-unwrapped uvs-0-1 uv space-uv space used efficiently-single uv set per model-uv seams hidden in less visible areas
-Model sections have their own IDs.Realistic 3D modelReal scale dimensionsSuitable for close-ups rendersMaterials names in scene are appropriatedReal scale (mm)
Coordinates of location of the model in space (x0, y0, z0)Textures formats:-pbr metalness workflow -PBR textures include : base color, AO,Height,metalness,normal maps,roughness, in 4K resolution png-texture Vray & CORONA: diffuse,glossiness,height,ior,normal,reflection
-openGL tangent space normal map-No namespace issues when importing several models into a scene. No cleaning up necessary, just drop model into your scene and start rendering. No special plugin needed to open scene.
-If you like product please rate itBEFORE PURCHASE We highly recommend that you download few of our FREE 3D MODELS and test if they work well with your 3d software before making a purchase.Please note that the studio scenes and light and environment settings are not included.Our models come as a single editable mesh or poly object (or as group for rigged models or where displace modifier has been used) properly named and positioned in the center of coordinate system. No lights, cameras and render/scene setup are included unless otherwise stated in the particular model’s description.