This pack contains 5 Pebble Meshes Each With 2048x2048 Diffuse,Specular and normal maps. Also, a cycles material for each pebble.
All meshes created entirely with blender. Textures made using a combination of Blender, PhotoShopCS5 and Xnormal. The pack is in the form of a .Blend file and a texture folder (Compressed in a zip file), To use these models you can export them from blender to a format of you're choosing, or append them from one blend file to the other by appending the group "Pebbles"
Feel free to use these models in any way you want, modify them, change the textures etc, just don't add these models to a paid asset pack, i want them to remain free for anyone to use If you feel like you could use these in a free asset pack, then let me know via e-mail (My e-mail address is in the README file of the download)
The Pebbles Are relatively low poly.. The vert counts are as follows; Pebble 1: 1,538 vertices Pebble 2: 2,306 vertices Pebble 3: 1,538 vertices Pebble 4: 1,410 vertices Pebble 5: 2,306 vertices
The shaders are compatible for CPU rendering on blender v 2.77a, I haven't been able to test them on any other version as of yet.
Please let me know if you find this pack usefull,
Jamie B