Middle poly model. PBR. LOD. UV Mapping (with lightmap) . OpenGL Directx.
AR / VR/ Unity / PC....To be tested on Unreal but but will have to work.
DESCRIPTION: Diesel Refueling depot tank
Objects realistic.
There is several versions of each object
Middle Poly. Realistic textures,optimization for games, PBR.Normal textures in OpenGL.Two UV set (One for UV two for lightmap).
Also includes a folder with conversion for normal maps in direct x
Can be used for video games, architecture and VR.
Textures: 2048 png
File: .Blend
Export: fbx,obj *,glTF 2.0.
* obj need an UV2 set.
POLYCOUNT: Diesel Refueling depot Tank_V1: 34124 TRI
Diesel Refueling depot Tank_V2: 34124 TRI
Diesel Refueling depot Tank_V3: 34124 TRI
Diesel Refueling depot Tank_V4: 34124 TRI
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