Pupation is a stage in the life of an insect where it transforms from larva into an imago. One creature enters the cocoon, and a radically different one emerges from it. Such drastic change in the midst of life. Big risk that comes with being immobilised, slowly dissolved and rematerialised again. How does it feel? Do the memories and experiences of past life remain in the new body? Is the insect after moulting even the same as the one it was before? To me, this dilemma resembles the one of the ship of Theseus: a vessel which after leaving the port has been fixed and modified on its journey, until upon arriving at its destination none of the original parts remained, begging the question, has it remained the same thing or is it something new?
Butterflies animation source by Jazz Vincent under Free Standard Sktchfb licence
Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle Larva by ffish.asia/ floraZia.com under CC BY-NC 4.0
Dress by Pixel Swan under CC Attribution