2024-03-14 06:55:06 UTCaddaxv233
So last week, I thought it would be fun to try and make my own verson of the new Netflix Scrooge who, by many accounts, is considered a DILF. So here is my Christmas present to Y'all. I also included the static 3D model versions in FBX and OBJ format. Since this was a 1-week project, there's PLENTY of room for improvement, like the rigging is a bit of a rush job and I really could've put in more work into Scrooge's hands, so if any of y'all out there want to improve upon my work, feel free to do so. Just make sure to credit me as the original creator. but overall, it's a decent Chracter model/rig. Scrooge is pretty trendy on TikTok right now, so go make him dance to a TikTok song or something if you'd like.